Помогите пожалуйста!

Fill in the gaps possessive pronouns. (Вставьте вместо пропусков притяжательные

I am Peter’s father. Peter is (1___) son. (2___) younger sister Ann is (3___) daughter. Ann is
small. This is Helen, (4___) wife. (5___) mother Mrs. Smith lives with us. (6___) children
Peter and Ann are (7___) grandchildren. She is fond of them.


Ответ дал: Juliette3530
1. my
2. His
3. my
4. my
5. Her
6. Our
7. her

surval13: спасибо
Juliette3530: пожалуйста )))
Ответ дал: Decoration
1 my
2 his
3 my
4 my
5 her
6 our
7 her
Вас заинтересует