1. What____ good advice!
A. - B. a C. an D the
2.Who’s coming to ___ dinner tonight?
A. - B. a C. an D. the
3. They’ll give us _____ 5% discount.
A. - B. a C. an D. the
4. Mr Smith asked the receptionist to give ___ him the key ___ his room.
A. to, to B. -, for C. -, to D. to, of
5. We received your enquiry ___ the goods.
A. for B. of C. to D. on
6. You _____ talk during the exams.
A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. don’t have to
7. Do you know how much _____?
A. do these shoes cost B. these shoes cost C. cost these shoes D. are these shoes cost
8. The plane has already taken off, ___?
A. does it B. hasn’t it C. doesn’t it D. didn’t it
9. ____ Mr Brown went to Moscow to meet his business partners.
A. Some day B. The other day C. Lately D One of these days
10. Hello, Anna. What _____ here now?
A do you do B you’re doing C you do D are you doing
11. It is very ___ to buy food in one place.
A. necessary B. comfortable C. convenient D. possible
12. Nowadays Britain’s most popular breakfast consists of ____ with milk, toast with ____
and a cup of tea or coffee.
A. porridge, cheese B. sandwiches, marmalade C. cornflakes, jam D. eggs, ham
13. I shall answer the phone if it ______.
A. will ring B. ring C. rings D. rang
14. He told me that the film was so boring that he ____ asleep in the middle of it.
A. falls B. fell C. fallen D. had fallen
15. The visitors ____ for the director the whole morning.
A. wait B. waited C. were waiting D. had waited
16. Have you got ___ French books? – No, I haven’t got ____.
A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any D. some, some
17. There is a supermarket on _____ side of the street.
A. other B. another C. some other D. the other
18. We ___ a lot during our last summer holidays.
A. swam B. were swimming C. have swum D. swim
19. There ___ good news in the letter.
A. are a few B. are little C. is little D. is few
20. – What are you going to do tomorrow? – I think I _____ my mother about the house.
A. am going to help B. will help C. am helping D. help
21. Green and Sons are interested ___ business with us.
A. at doing B. in doing C. to do D. of doing
22. Mr Black ___ our terms are acceptable to them.
A. said B. says C. told D. tells
23. We just_____ this matter.
A. discuss B. discussed C. had discussed D. have discuss
24. Listen! What language ___ ?
A. are they speaking B. do they speak C. did they speak D. they are speaking
25. He said he ____ her the next day.
A. called B. had called C. will call D. would call


Ответ дал: marygrishchuk
1.A, 2.A, 3.B, 4.C, 5.D, 6.A, 7.B, 8.B, 9.B, 10.D, 11.C, 12.C, 13.C, 14.B, 15.C, 16.C, 17.D, 18.B, 19.C, 20.A, 21.B, 22.B, 23.D (have discussed), 24.A, 25.D.
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