Нужно содать по три предложения в настоящем ,прошлом  и будущем времени по английски. тема : в чем я одета.


Ответ дал: lake7

I have my blue shorts and a cap on today.

I want to go to the cinema so i have a blue dress on.

I have my favourite blue jeans and a T-shirt on.


Yesterday i had a white blouse and a black mini-skirt on.

Yesterday i at school i had a black skirt and a grey blouse on.

Yesterday i had a beautiful pink dress on.


Tomorrow i will have a  black T-shirt and my white jeans on

Tomorrow i will have a black suit  and pink sandals on

I will have a green blouse, a black skirt and black boots on.



Ответ дал: каааатттяяяя

I have my blue shorts and a cap on today.

I want to go to the cinema so i have a blue dress on.

I have my favourite blue jeans and a T-shirt on.

Yesterday i had a white blouse and a black mini-skirt on.

Yesterday i at school i had a black skirt and a grey blouse on.

Yesterday i had a beautiful pink dress on.

Tomorrow i will have a black T-shirt and my white jeans on

Tomorrow i will have a black suit and pink sandals on

I will have a green blouse, a black skirt and black boots on.

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