


Ответ дал: ГородскаяОхотница
Задание 1
1. Told
2. Say 
3. Asked
4. Said
5. Say
6. Told
7. Said

Задание 2
1. Danny said that Katie had joined an environmental group.
2. Fran told us that he was writing his project on endangered species. 
3. His wife told me that Ben used public transport to get to work instead of driving.
4. The Prime Minister said that they would give more money to fight poverty.
5. John said that he could help out on the animal shelter that week.
6. Kelly told me that she had seen a sea turtle while she had been swimming the day before.

Задание 3
1. Sam asked me where was the animal shelter in my neigbourhood.
2. Beth asked whether I have found  out about volunteering for Oxfam.
3. David asked what had he been saying about  coral reefs. 
4. Anya asked me if I had read that article about homelessness.
5. Peter asked Bob to save all the newspapers.
6. Ben asked me when were we taking the uset clothes to the charity shop.
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