Помогите выбрать правильные варианты 1. The man working at this University ... on transport systems. a) lectures b)are lecturing c) lecture 2.How ... the problem of railway operation simplified? a) do b) does c)was 3.This experiment ... successfully by the end of the year. a) was completed b)is completed c)had been completed 4.Our engineers ... new methods in their research next month. a)applied b) will apply c) applies 5. If we ... this method , we should have had the results desired. a)have applied b)had applied c)applied 6.Did students use ... holidays twice a year. a)have b) to have c) having 7.The first steam trains were loked ... with great interest . a) at b)in c)on 8.Railways have turned out to be more advantageous... any other kind of land transport. a)then b)than c) that 9. ... experimental data can be relied upon. a)These b) that c)this 10. You could ... all the worthwhile information in this article into one page . a)decrease b) shoten c) contract 11. Our manager used ... talks at 10 in the morning . a) to have b) have c)having 12. Have you ever been ... a business trip abroad? a)at b)in c)on 13.The experimental results have not been received... a)already b)yet c)still 14.The researches are greatly interested in ... criteria.a) these b)that c)this


Ответ дал: artemijdubovij
1) lectures 2) was 3) had been completed 4) will apply 5) have applied 6) to have 7) at 8) than 9) this 10) decrease 11) to have 12) at 13) yet 14) this
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