распределите формы глаголов по колонкам
Active Voice l Passive Voice
Has burnt, bet, was baked, aren't, caunt, don't break, will blow, will be seen, didn't bring, catches, did, has been taken, is reading, will drink, eats, were used, gave, hasn't been seen, does, was it stolen. didn't keep, will be met, is washed, aren't looking


Ответ дал: athalonte
Active Voice = AV
Passive Voise = PV

Has burnt - AV,
bet - AV,
was baked, - PV
aren't - AV,
caunt - AV,
don't break- AV,
will blow - AV,
will be seen, - PV
didn't bring,- AV 
catches - AV,
did - AV,
has been taken, - PV
is reading, - AV 
will drink- AV,
eats - AV,
were used, - PV
gave - AV,
hasn't been seen - PV,
does - AV,
was it stolen. - PV
didn't keep - AV,
will be met, - PV
is washed, - PV
aren't looking - AV
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