В А Р И А Н Т 1

Задание 1. Выберите и обведите правильный вариант.

1.         I like … story.

      a)two                            b)second                          c) the second

2. She must… his homework.

      a)do                              b)does                              c) to do

3. … write a dictation.

      a) He is                    b) He must                        c)He wants

4. The girl is … .
      a)runs                            b)run                                 c) running

5. Who is in the park? – They … .

      a)is                                 b) are                                 c) do

6. This film is … than that film.

      a)worse                           b) the worst                      c)bad

7. He is … teacher in the school.

      a) the best                        b)best                               c) better

8. They … go to the stadium tomorrow.

      a)don’t                           b)won’t                            c) aren’t

9. What … tasty cake!
      a)a                                  b)the                                c) –

10. His books are very … .

      a)well                              b)good                            c) badly


Ответ дал: liz172
1c, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8b, 9a, 10b
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