Вставте нужные словаKay is in a hamburger bar with her mother.

Mum: I suppose you already know what you are going to have.

Kay: Yes, of course. I …a double hamburger. That's what I always have.

Mum: But it's not very healthy, you know, all that meat. Perhaps I ...some thing without meat for a change.

Kay: I don't care about being healthy. I…a double hamburger the same?

Mum: I'm not really sure. I think I… a fishburger.

Key; Hey, look at the menu! What about this - a 'hamburger'?

Mum: What's that?

Kay: With soya beans and salad. Sounds nice.

Mum: Okay,… one of those.

Kay: Actually mum, I think I might change my mind. I…

Mum: Good. Two healthburgers. Right, I… go and order them.

Kay: Stay where you are, mum. I… .


Ответ дал: донничащин
1. will have
2. will have
3. am going to have
4. am going to have
5. I will have
6. will have a healthburger
7. will
8. am not going to have anything

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