ПРОВЕРЬТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА 1)If i was not so busy now, i would go with you 2) Why she would not tell me about it, even if she had knew? 3) I would happy, if i found job like your. 4) If i were you, i would learn German ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1) If I were not so busy now, I would go with you. - на твоем месте - If I were you


2) Why  wouldn't she tell me about it, even if she had known?- при вопросе вспомогательный глагол ставим перед подлежащим


3) I would happy, if I found job like yours. - абсолютное местоимение


4) If were you, I would learn German. - I всегда пишем с заглавной буквы

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