переведите пожалуста на английский

1. завтра пойдёт дождь
2. она слушает музыку
3. он будет работать в школе
4. после обеда они играли в баскетбол
5. мы уже пообедали
6. они приехали с моря к 6
7. она приедет к 10 часам
8. дождь идет с утра
9. снег шёл 2 дня
11. этот дом строится
12. они завтра пойдут в театр
13. она придёт завтра в школу
14. я буду ужинать с другом в 7 часов


Ответ дал: MizukichiChan
1. It will be rain tomorrow
2. She is listening to misic
3. He will be working in school
4. They played basketball afternoon
5. We has already have a dinner
6. They returned from the sea in a six o'clock
7. She will arrive in ten o'clock
8. It has been raining since morning
9. Snow was falling about a two days
10. This house is built
11. They'll come in the theatre tomorrow
12. She'll come in school tomorrow
13. I will be dining with a friend at 7 o'clock
Ответ дал: cлюда
1It will rain tomorrow.
2She is listening to music.
3He will work at school.
4They played basketball after dinner.
5We have already had dinner.
6They had come from the sea by 6 o'clock.
7She will have come by 10 o'clock.
8It has been raining since morning.
9It has snowed for 2 days.
11This house is being built.
12They will go to the theatre tomorrow.
13She will come to school tomorrow.
14I will be having dinner with my friend at 7 o'clock.
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