Перевести вопросы на английский и ответьте на них
1 Ты из России не так ли ?
2 Ученики должны делать домашнюю работу не так ли
3 Твой день рождения в мае не так ли
4 Лондон- столица Англии не так ли
5 Сегодня погода плохая не так ли


Ответ дал: Anna757989
1 You're from Russia is not it? 2 Students should be doing homework right 3 Your birthday is in May, is not it 4 the London capital of England is not it 5 Today, the weather is bad is not it
Ответ дал: cлюда
1You are from Russia,aren't you?
2Pupils must do their homework,must.'t they?
3Your birthday is in May,isn't it?
4London is the capital of England,isn't it?
5The weather is bad today,isn't it?
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