Используйте глаголы в правильной форме, чтобы завершить текст. Глаголы: stay/meet, go, read, take/be, swim, lie/come, speand. Текст: Summer is over, autumn is here. But I still remeber my summer holidays. I can say that I enjoyed them a lot. In June I (1) ... at home, (2) ... my friends and (3) ... to different plasec of interest in my home town. I (4) ... some good books too. In July my parents (5) ... me to the south, to the sea. It (6) ... the best part of my summer holidays: I (7) ... in the sea and (8) ... in the sun on the beach. In August we (9) ... back home. I (10) ... the last summer month with my grandparents in their country house.


Ответ дал: ksyushkamelesh
1 stayed
2 met
3 went
4 read
5 took
6 was
7 swam
8 lay
9 came
10 spent
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