ВСТАВИТЬ СЛОВА! Да и ещё там написанно на задание. Present simple or Present Continuous.

What ... you ... (to want)? - I ... some tea(to want).

Who ... the drums ( to play ) ? - It is my little brother. He ... the drums very well(to play).

When ... you ... the house (to leave ) ? - At 8.30 in the morning.

What ... tou ... (to do) ? - I ... my homework (to do).

What ... the boys ... at the moment (to sing) ? -They ... an old English song (to sing).


Ответ дал: Almaz

What do you want? - I want some tea.

Who is playing the drums ? - It is my little brother. He plays the drums very well.

When do you leave the house  ? - At 8.30 in the morning.

What are you doing ? - I am doing my homework .

What are the boys singing at the moment  ? -They are singing an old English song.

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