помогите Раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в правильную форму (настоящее простое, прошедшее время или будущее время).

1. He (leave) for Canada two years ago. 2. My husband (like) drinking coffee for breakfast. 3. You (help) me with this shelf, please? 4. You (stop) making that awful noise? It irritates me. 5. He (get) into an accident three weeks ago. 6. Sam is an athlete. He (train) every day. 7. Why switch on the light? It (not be) dark yet. 8. He (do) his part of work long ago. 9. The letter (come) half an hour ago. 10. When you (meet) him last? 11. I (be) twelve in a month. 12. Why (be) you always late? 13. Her father (retire) when she was 16. 14. Come out, I (want) to speak with you.


Ответ дал: lnevos
1. He left  for Canada two years ago. 2. My husband (likes drinking coffee for breakfast. 3. will  You help me with this shelf, please? 4.  Can You stop making that awful noise? It irritates me. 5. He got into an accident three weeks ago. 6. Sam is an athlete. He trains every day. 7. Why switch on the light? It is not dark yet. 8. He did his part of work long ago. 9. The letter came  half an hour ago. 10. When did  you meet him last? 11. I will  be twelve in a month. 12. Why are  you always late? 13. Her father(retired when she was 16. 14. Come out, I want to speak with you.

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