10 вопросов к тексту.

About three hundred years ago a brave sailor lived in Great Britain. His name was Henry Hudson. He was not afraid of anything. Many times he sailed in a small ship far off the coast of England. He dreamt of crossing the Arctic Ocean. Three times he tried to do so and each tine he returned home and told his friends wonderful stories of difficulties he had to go through. Though he had a very small crew, all the three voyages were quite successful. 

The fourth time Henry Hudson left England in a small boat called "The Discovery". It was a very dangerous voyage. The sea was not calm. The crew consisted of o few men. They had to go through Many difficulties before they reached an unknown river and a bay. The river and the bay were named after Henry Hudson. 

Soon winter came and troubles began. They were hungry and thirsty as they had very little food and fresh water. The bay and the river were covered with ice. They could not get out. The men decided that Henry Hudson was to blame, so they wanted to punish him. They placed Henry Hudson, his little son and those few who were faithful to him in a small boat and let it sail off in an icy sea. The poor people had neither food nor water. They had nobody who could help them. Nobody had ever heard of the little boat and its crew. 

The brave discoverer died tragically in the bay he himself discovered.




Ответ дал: lnevos

1. where did a brave sailor live?

2. what was his name?

3. what was his dream?

4. how many times did he try to cross the Arctic Ocean?

5. were his attempts successful?

6. where did he get during his fourth trip?

7. why could not the crew get out off the river they had discovered?

8. why did they want to punish Henry Hudson?

9. what did they do to him?

10. did anybody help Henry Hudson and his faithful men?

Ответ дал: Наськаа1

about how many years ago did a brave  sailor lived in Great Britain?

how did call a brave sailor?

what command did his- have little or large?

were there troubles or it was all be well?

were they hungry?

did they could to get out?

did they want to punish him?

did they have people which could them help?

did hear of from to the little boat?

did he have a son?

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