нужно разделить следующее на 2 столбика) помогите пожалуйста!


Please, let the passengers off the train first.

Mind the doors, the doors are closing!

The train from York is 30 minutes late and is now arriving at half past three.

Flight BA 557 is now boarding at gate 11.

Please, mind the gap while leaving the train.

We are now approaching New Cross station... Please, make sure you have all your belongings with you when you leave the train.

Attention! The train to Plymouth is leaving from platform 5, not platform 3.

All Pulkovo flights leave from Terminal 2.



Ответ дал: jump757

Please, let the passengers off the train first.

Mind the doors, the doors are closing!

The train from York is 30 minutes late

and is now arriving at half past three. (1)
 (2)Flight BA 557 is now boarding at gate 11.

Please, mind the gap while leaving the train.

We are now approaching New Cross station... Please, make sure you have all your belongings with you when you leave the train.

Attention! The train to Plymouth is leaving from platform 5, not platform 3.

All Pulkovo flights leave from Terminal 2.

 думаю так:)



Ответ дал: Sveta987

4-ое и последнее предложения - объявления в аэропорте, остальные - ж/д вокзал или поезд.


Flight BA 557 is now boarding at gate 11.

All Pulkovo flights leave from Terminal 2.

Ж/д вокзал или поезд:

Please, let the passengers off the train first.

Mind the doors, the doors are closing!

The train from York is 30 minutes late and is now arriving at half past three.

Please, mind the gap while leaving the train.

We are now approaching New Cross station... Please, make sure you have all your belongings with you when you leave the train.

Attention! The train to Plymouth is leaving from platform 5, not platform 3.


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