put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form
1)Our class always ...(to do) some progects and ...(to help) the cpmmunity.
2)... you ... (to learn) anything new about healthy lifestyle yet?
3)Nowadays people can ... (to communicate)easily with each other.
4)Peter ... (to do) Mathc for two hours.
5)-... you ...(to do) anything specail at the moment&
-I ...(to think).
6)oUR COMVERSATION WITH Tom ...(to be) very difficult yesterday.I (can/not/to understand) what he ... (to talk about).
Пожалуйста помогите,я вообще не понимаю эту тему.((((


Ответ дал: Cam1x
1) does, helps
3) communicate
4) did
5) Do...do, dont
6) is
English is easy)

DSkeytoman: Большое спасибо)
Cam1x: Не за что)
Ответ дал: Зайкацык
напеши перевод на руском
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