Пж помагите очень срочно!
вот задание-
Допиши<<хвостик>> разделительного вопроса
It is cold,...?
He is wearing a green T-shirt,...?
She is wearing a yellow raincoet,...?
They are wearing high boots,...?
We are ready,...?
He isnt playing snowbals,...?
She isnt makeing a snowman,...?
They arent at the shoe shop,...?
we arent late,...?
it isnt hot,...?


Ответ дал: romikposylkin
It is cold, isn't it?
He is wearing a green T-shirt, isn't he?
She is wearing a yellow raincoat, isn't she?
They are wearing high boots, aren't they?
We are ready, aren't we?
He isn't playing snowballs, is he?
She isn't making a snowman, is she?
They aren't at the shoe shop, are they?
We aren't late, are we?
It isn't hot, is it?
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