Помогите пожалуйста!
Complete the sentences with A/AN, THE or no article
1)There is...apple in ...basket.
2)There is...cup on...table.
3)There are... carrots in...bag.
4)I usually have...aplle juice for...breakfast/
5)Could i have ...cup of...tea?
6)Could i have...glass of...milk?
7)let's have ...look.
8)is there...banana in...bag?
10)I can't make...fish soup without...carrots.


Ответ дал: alsik
There is an apple in the basket There is a cup on the table There are carrots in the bag I usually have an apple juice for breakfast Could I have a cup of tea? Could I have a glass of milk? Let's have a look Is there banana in fridge? That's a pity. I can't make fish soup without carrots.
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