Помогите пожалуйстаа, очень нужна ваша помощь!!!
1. ... you ... your fathertomorrow?
2 .... you ever ... the Pyramids?
3 When i went to school yesterday i remembered that i ... to take my English exercise-book.
have forgotten/had forgotten/forget
4. Yesterday my granfather ... us how he had worked at thefactory during the war.
tells/ told/ had told
5. He always ... to the college at the eight o'clock.
come/comes/have come
6. Tomorrow Nick ... to the cinema because he went to the cinema yesterday.
didn't go/won't go/haven't go
7.He ... home by six o'clock yesterday.came/ had come/ was coming


Ответ дал: Uleima
1  will help
2 have     seen
3) had forgotten
4) told
6)won't go
7)had come
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