напешите на англиском 10 предложений на тему время суток


Ответ дал: KettiBymer

Еще примеры:
12:40 – It is 20 minutes to 1.
3:55 – It is 5 to 4.
14:35 – It is 25 minutes to 3.
7:45 – It is 15 minutes to 8.

Когда мы говорим о времени, полезными словами также могут быть уже знакомое half (половина) и quarter (четверть).
12:45 – It is quarter to 1.
5:45 – It is quarter to 6.
8:45 – It is quarter to 9.
6:15 – It is quarter past 6.
11:15 – It is quarter past 11.
9:15 – It is quarter past 9.
14:30 – It is half past 2.
5:30 – It is half past 5.
10:30 – It is half past 10.

Ответ дал: Dasha050599
I wake up early at the morning
We like watch TV at the evening
I have dinner at the afternoon
I go to bed at the night
I go to the library at the afternoon
We have breakfast in the morning

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