complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs WEAR LISTEN DO WORK 1 How often _ you to the radio? 2 We are in Susan's room at the moment-we _ our homework. 3 She _ glasses because she can't see very well. 4 We _ to the football match on the radio because we are watching it on TV. 5 Sam _ in a clothes shop on Saturday. 6 My dad _ in China at the moment. 7 I always _ my homework before I have dinner in the evening.


Ответ дал: lnevos
1 How often do you listen you to the radio?
 2 We are in Susan's room at the moment-we are doing our homework.
 3 She wears glasses because she can't see very well.
4 We are not listening  to the football match on the radio because we are watching it on TV.
 5 Sam works  in a clothes shop on Saturday.
6 My dad is working in China at the moment.
7 I always do  my homework before I have dinner in the evening.
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