составить 2 вопроса к каждому предложению!!

1)I played different games

2)Kate and Mary went to the cinema yesterday

3)The weather was bad last week

4)Ted met his best friend in 2004

5)I saw him yesterday


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1)I played different games 

    Who played different games?

    I played different games , didn't I?


2)Kate and Mary went to the cinema yesterday

   Did Kate and Mary go to the cinema yesterday?

   Kate and Mary went to the cinema yesterday, didn't they?


3)The weather was bad last week

    Was the weather bad last week?

    When was the weather bad?


4)Ted met his best friend in 2004

    Did Ted meet his best friend in 2004?

    When did Ted meet his best friend?


5) I saw him yesterday

    Who saw him yesterday?

    I saw him yesterday, didn't I?

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