Put some or any into the following .
1: There is ..... money in my pocket .
2: There isnt ..... tea in the cup.
3:There are ..... potatoes for dinner .
4:There are ..... vegetables for dinner.
5: Is there ..... jam on the table ?
6: There is ..... meat here.
7: Are there ..... carrots in the bag ?


Ответ дал: маша1094
1) any
2) any
3) some
4) some
5) any
6) any
7) some
Ответ дал: EnglishTeacher318
1. some 
2. any
3. some
4. some
5. any
6. some
7. any 

Если предложение утвердительное, то нужно some, если вопрос или отрицание - any
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