Подскажите куда какие слова вставлять?
Слова:impressed, impressions, customs, beach, voyage, adventures, common.

Jimmy Stuart grew up in a small house not far
from the seaside. All the boys from his village
were different but one thing they had in .... .
It was their love for the sea. The boys liked
sitting on the .... . The sea, ships, sailors and
stories about faraway countries, their .... and
the way of life .... them. Old seamen came
after a ... full of new .... . The boys ran to the
tavern and listened to stories about wonderful
animals, birds and fish.The seamen spoke about their ..... .


Ответ дал: alicekole
Вот слова в порядке в котором их нужно вставить в текст:
Common, beach, customs, impressed, voyage, impressions, adventures
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