Complete the sentences with the present continuous. Use affirmative (+) or negative(-)

Jason isn't wearing (wear) gloves today(-)

1.You ...................(play) very well this morning(-)
2.Kate and Tina..............(do) their homework at the moment (-)
3.Agnes ............(write) an e-mail now.(+)
4.Judith and I ................(sit) at the bus stop.(+)
5.I...................(make) a cake for the party.(+)
6.It .....................(show) now(-)
7.Sheila ...............(run) very quickly(-)
8.You ...............(sit) in my chair!(+)
9.My mum ..................(work) at the moment(-)


Ответ дал: Fromsaturn
1. Aren't playing 3. Aren't doing 3. Is writing 4. Are sitting making 6. Isn't showing 7.isnt running 8.are sitting 9.isnt working
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