Помогите по английскому языку
Write positive sentences in to be going to
1. (I/ brush / my teeth)
2.( he / repair / the car )
3.( we / learn/ Greek )
4.( I / write/ some postcards)
Write negative sentences in to be going to
1. He ( not / help) us
2. We ( not / cook ) dinner tonight
3. I ( not / celebrate ) my birthday this year
4. She ( not / stay) with Amy
Write questions sentences in to be going to
1.( luky/call/a taxi?
2. ( you / sing/ a song /for us)?
3. ( you / cook / dinner )?
4. ( she / take part/ in the concert )?


Ответ дал: Natara1
Write positive sentences in to be going to
1. I'm going to brush  my teeth.
2.He's going to repair the car.
3.We're going to learn Greek.
4.I'm going to write some postcards.

Write negative sentences in to be going to
1. He isn't going to help us.
2. We aren't going to cook dinner tonight.
3. I 'm not going to celebrate my birthday this year.
4. She isn't going to stay with Amy.

Write questions sentences in to be going to
1.Is Luky going to call a taxi?
2. Are you going to sing a song for us?
3. Are you going to cook dinner?
4. Is she going to take part in the concert?
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