Раскройте скобки в the Present Simple Tense.
1. How many languages (you/speak)? 2. The swimming bath (open) at 9.00 and (close) at 18.30 every day. 3. What time _(the banks /close) in Britain? 4. I have a car but I (not/use) it very often. 5. "What (you/do)?" "I'm an electrical engineer." 6. If you need money, why (you/not/get) a job? 7. I (play) the piano, but I (not/play) very well. ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО!!!


Ответ дал: 1979alena
1. How many languages do you speak? 2. The swimming bath opens at 9.00 and closes at 18.30 every day. 3. What time do the banks close in Britain? 4. I have a car but I don't use it very often. 5. What do you do? I'm an electrical engineer. 6. If you need money, why don't you get a job? 7. I play the piano, but I don't play very well.
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