написать правильную форму глагола в полях ниже и составить предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме.
1. I ___ (to do) my homework everyday.
2. We do not ___ (to ride) the bus to work.
3.He ____ (to like) chocolate milk.
4. It always ____(to rain) during the months of April and May.
5.My sister usually ___(to go) to church every Sunday.
6. Joey and Mike ____(to be) best friends.
7. The helicopter pilot __( to fly) eveery day.
8. Don't you ___ (to want) to come to the movie with us?
9. Our favorite game ___ (to be) chess.
10. I do not ___ (to have) much time to waste


Ответ дал: RezoCat
1. Do 2. Ride 3. Likes 4. Rains 5. Goes 6. Are 7. Flies 8. Want 9. Is 10. Have Не гарантирую что верно
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