Ребята, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, очень-очень срочно, помогите с английским :)
Нужно составить краткий пересказ данного текста (на английском) 10 и более предложений. Буду ооооочень благодарна.



Ответ дал: cлюда
Americans -is a ventured-people nation.Most of Americant are the descendants of immigrants having left
unexlored the Old World for the sake of the New One.
Their life was very difficult without any help.They faced a lot of problems.
Readiness to experiment and to invent
became one of the main feature of Americans.It sounds that each problem has its decision.
Those people had to overcome a lot of difficulties.They did everything together.It is also an american feature.
Americans have a great tradition of hospitality.

lostbag: ооооо спасибо ♥ слава тебе!!!! как же выручили :)
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