перевод : Mr and Mrs Gray wanted to sepnd the summer in the country.They found a nice small hoouse not very far from Mr Gray' s office. Mrs gray and Peter went there one weekend at the beginning of June.Later Mr Gray wanted to join them.Peter and his mother went there for two weeks.It was late in the evening when they arrived at the house.Mrs Gray said to peter , "We're going to stay here for fourteen days.The boy ran into the house, turned on the light and looked into all the rooms. He saw a nice kitchen with a white fridge, two cupboards, a cooker and a sink. There was gas and electricity in the house. Peter also saw a vacuum cleaner in the cornet.The sitting room with a tall mirror and a wonderful fireplace was fantastic. You could play footbal there. Peter ran back to his mother and shouted: "Mummy! It's great! But I haven 't found a bathroom. Where is it? " It 's very difficukt to get water here ." his mother answered, "and there is no not and cold running water here." "That's very good, Mum," Peter said. "That is going to be a very nice holiday indeed!"


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