Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени и будущем времени, в вопросительной, утвердительной и отрицательной формах. Переведите
предложения: 1. Не studies at the college.
2. They play football well. 1. They went to Moscow.


Ответ дал: lika242
1)He studied at the college
He didn't study at the college
Did he study at the college?
He will study at the college
He will not study at the college
Will he study at the college?
2)They played football well.
They didn't play football well
Did they play football well?
They will play ......
They will not play.....
Will they play......?
(.....=football well)
3)They went to Moscow
They didn't go to Moscow
Did they go to Moscow
They will go to Moscow
They will not go to Moscow
Will they go to Moscow
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