Рекомендация о здоровом образе жизни (используя модальные глаголы). На английском языке.


Ответ дал: Volkh

A Healthy Lifestyle
How to live A Healthy Lifestyle? 
To begin with - Choosing Healthy Foods.
You must eat  in moderation.
You should  select foods that are low in both sugar and highly refined carbohydrates.

At the second - Getting Some Exercise

You have to go to the gym 3 to 5 times per week.  You can enjoy rigorous daily activities.

Then  - Avoid Unhealthy Habits 

You must not  yo-yo dieting. You must not smoking and alcohol intake. Don't skimp on sleep. Don't skip sunscreen.

At last  - Remember Good Hygiene 

 You must shower every day. You have to brush and floss your teeth daily. You should wash your hands more often..

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