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Ответ дал: catty777
a goes                   g pulls               m reads                 s dances
b does                   h wants             n gets                     t swims
c studies                i has                 o finishes               u cries
d walks                  j drinks              p picks                   v washes
e eats                    k buys               q waits                   w meets
f pushes                l plays                r needs                  x opens

2. a read
b likes
c go
d want
e studies
f walk
g play
h finishes
i works

3. b She never eats sweets.
c We usually go to the cinema on Saturdays.
d Sometimes it is warm in winter.
e He often plays football with his friends.
f It always rains in January.
g They usually go dancing on Fridays.
h He often listens to music in the evenings.

4. b She always does her homework.
c They often play tennis at the weekend.
d I usually go on holiday in June.
e He always drink coffee for breakfast.
f You never get up early in the morning.
g Sometimes she watches TV before dinner.
h We usually wear jeans at the weekend.
i It rains sometimes in the summer. 
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