Open the brackets and write the verbs in Present Simple.

Meet Alice!

Alice is a nice little fox. She ______(live) in England and is the daughter of the clan fox leader. Like any other fox Alice is very clever and cunning creature. Noone from the fox family can trick her and that is the reason of her farther's pride. She always _________ (look) for adventures but her father says she_____ (search) troubles. She often ________(go) shopping like every girl. But she ______(wish) to see the world, to travel and to become the famous adventurer. That's why she___ (make) the selfie in front of any attraction she_____(see) on her way. She ____(try) to live as interesting as she can.


Ответ дал: 13TorrieS
Lives, looks, searches, goes, wishes, makes, sees, tries
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