помогите составить предложения со словами (get dark, get smth, get to, get healtmer, get up, get over, get through, get away, get back, get on) ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО


Ответ дал: tomiriss2004
I get up at seven o clock

Misigno: надо с каждым, но все равно спасибо
arishka1509: Это неправильный образец. Там нет слова просто get
Ответ дал: arishka1509
As soon as it gets dark, the family is gathering together around the table for dinner.
If you want to get something done in time, make sure you follow up on it.
If something gets to you, it makes you suffer.
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables helps you to get healthier.
Whenever you fail in life, just get over that and move on.
I need these lessons to get me through the exam.
The robbers got away with million dollars
Never get back to repeat your mistakes.
How are getting on?
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