Задание 8 и 9, 20 баллов.



Ответ дал: McViti
8) 1. Bus lane. 2. Traffic light. 3. Pavement. 4. Bridge. 5. Zebra crossing. 9) 1. Through, 2. Over, 3. Along, 4. Past, 5. Across. 6. Down, 7. Through. 8. Out from. 9. Towards. 10. Under. 11. Along. 12. Up, 13. Across.

2705ann: Спасибо огромное! Можешь ещё сказать ответ на:
2705ann: I live on Norton Road, it's just past/into/under the bus stop; She stood on a balcony and looked up/down/over into the yard.
McViti: I live on Norton Road, it's just past the bus stop; She stood on a balcony and looked down into the yard.
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