Complete the dialogue in a bookshop with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

Alex: Hi, Sonia! What are you doing (you/do) here? (Пример)
Sonia: I'm ...... (look) a vegetarian cookbook.
Alex: ...... (you/often/cook)? At my home, we ...... (not cook). Usually, my mum ...... (buy) ready-made meals in the supermarket or we ...... (order) pizza.
Sonia: Cooking is fun! My gran ...... (teach) me to cook. She ...... (never eat) fast food or ready-made meals. This week we ...... (try) some vegetarian recipes.
Alex: I ...... (not eat) vegetables. I ...... (think) they're horrible!
Sonia: They are not! Why don't you have lunch with us? Gran ...... (make) roast vegetables!


Ответ дал: ValyaLu
1. Looking 2.How often do you cook? 3.don't cook 4.buys 5. Order 6. Teaches 7.she never eats 8.try 9.I don't eat 10.think 11.makes
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