Complete the text with was / were or there
was / there were.
Andrei Sakharov (1) … the winner of the Nobel
Prize for Peace in 1975. He (2) … an eminent
nuclear physicist of the Soviet Union and a
defender of human rights and democracy.
(3) … an atomic bomb project in the Soviet
Union, which Sakharov joined in 1948. (4) …
plans to test a 100-megaton hydrogen bomb
in the atmosphere in 1961. Sakharov (5) …
the only one who openly protested against that
testing. It (6) … Solzhenitsyn who nominated
Sakharov for the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1973.
Andrei Sakharov (7) … one of the world’s great
thinkers, who presented a vision for a peaceful
society where (8) … respect for human rights.


Ответ дал: Blackbelka
1) was 2) was 3) there was 4) there were 5) was 6) was  7) was 8) was
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