Заполнителя пропуски соответствующими личными или притяжательные местоимениями переводе предложения на русский язык . 1 ) In the morning ... ( I ) sister takes ... (she )books and go to school .I see ... (she) in the evening.
2) Ted and Jack are here , .... came early .3) Mary gave ...( he ) the book and asked to return ... to ... ( she ) next week . 4) ...(we) flat is on the third floor , ... singles face the sea .
5) I invite Tom to ... ( I ) party , ... hope ... will bring ...(he ) friend with ...(he).


Ответ дал: TheAppleShark
1 my, her, her
2 they
3 him. it, her
4 Our, with
5 my,I,he,his,him
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