Put the verbs in the correct tense form.
1.Jenny usually ...(wake up) early.
2.Lucy ... (catch) Ken yesterday.
3.Charlie ...(bring) a newspaper to Ben and Ben ... (read) it now.
4.Jennys classes ... (begin) later than usually tomorrow.
5.Jenny ... (become) a student five years ago.
6.Ann ... (feel) tired today and ... (want) to sleep for an hour after lunch.


Ответ дал: Marmeladochoka
1.Jenny usually wakes up early.
2.Lucy caught Ken yesterday.
3.Charlie has brought a newspaper to Ben and Ben is reading it now.
4.Jennys classes will begin later than usually tomorrow.
5.Jenny became a student five years ago.
6.Ann felt tired today and went to steep for an hour after lunch.

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