помогите срочно нужно вставить слова
7. Complete the expressions for giving diplomatic advice (in bold) by filling in
the missing letters.
1. A_ _ _ _ _ _ _, I think there's a better way to do this.
2. It s_ _ _ _ to me that there has been a misunderstanding.
3. You m_ _ _ _ want to ask Sue for her opinion.
4. You с_ _ _ _ maybe try a different approach.
5. D_ _ '_ you think that making personal calls at work creates an unprofessional
6. W_ _ _ _ _ '_ you agree that it's important to meet all our deadlines?


Ответ дал: Natara1
1. Actually, I think there's a better way to do this.
2. It seems to me that there has been a misunderstanding.
3. You maybe want to ask Sue for her opinion.
4. You сould maybe try a different approach.
5. Don't you think that making personal calls at work creates an unprofessional
6. Wouldn't you agree that it's important to meet all our deadlines?
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