20 баллов. 5 класс. Биболетова. Английский.
Write the questions to the words in bold. (Напишите вопросы к словам, выделенным жирным шрифтом.)

******* Выделенный шрифт выделяю знаками *!!!!!!!!!!*

Example: Fred got at *!!!!!6:00 am!!!!!* yeaterday.- When did Fred get up yesterday?

1. He got up early *!!!!!because it was his first day at school.!!!!!*
Why did he ________?

2. That day Fred gave *!!!!!flowers!!!!!* to his teacher.
What did ________?

3. Fred had *!!!!!four!!!!!* lessons.
How many lessons did ___________?

4. After lunch Fred played with his new friend Tony *!!!!!in the park.!!!!!*
Where ___________?

5. Fred told Tony *!!!!!about his pet.!!!!!*
What _________?


Ответ дал: Prometeusll
1. What did get up early?
2. What did give to teacher?
3. How many lessons did Fred?
4. Where did go Fred after lunch?
5. What did tell Fred?
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