1) Before I (to leave) for work yesterday, I (to drink) a cup of coffee.
2) By the end of the week (I to finish) working on my report.
3) Ten years ago I (to fly) to Paris.
4) His dad and brother (to cycle) to the shop now.
5) You arrived at the cinema late. The film (to start) already.
6) We (to do) the washing by 8 o'clock next Monday.
7) Most of the Earth's surface (to cover) by water.
8) While I was on holiday, my camera (to steal) from my hotel room.
9) We went to Laila's house but she (not to be) at home. 10) I never (to be) in Spain.
11) Was Elizabeth at the party last night?´ ´Yes, she´ (wear) a really nice dress.


Ответ дал: Sunpacker
1) had been left, drank
2) i will finish
3) flew
4) are cycling
5) has started
6) will do
7) is covered
8) was stolen
9) didn't be
10) wore
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