Answer the questions. 1) Has your mother cooked pizza? 2) Have you played baseball? 3) Have your friends played tennis? 4) Have you helped your parents a lot this year? 5) Have you seen any of the Harry Potter films? 6) Have you asked your parents "difficult" questions?


Ответ дал: jamshidjon
1) Yes, she has cooked pizza.
2) No, I have not played baseball.
3) Yes, some of my friends have played tennis.
4) Yes, I have helped my parents a lot this year.
5) Yes, I have seen some of the Harry Potter films.
6) I don't remember if I have or not. (I want to keep that private.)
Ответ дал: Kim876
1)Yes,my mother has cooked a pizza.The pizza was delicious. 2)No,I haven't played baseball. 3)Yes,they have played tennis. they like play tennis. 4)Yes,I have. 5)Yes,I have seen of the Harry Potter films.They are very interesting! 6)Yes,I have
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