I. Use the correct tense form of the verb in bracket:
1. While the children [to play] football, the rain began to fall.
2. The boy already [to do] his homework and now he [to watch] TV.
3. She [to get up] early tomorrow morning.
4. You [to go out] last night, Tom ? – Yes, I [to go] to the cinema.
5. Tom usually [to go] to the village on weekends.

II. Choose the right article:
1. Where is … money? –it’s on … table.
2. After … supper he usually goes for … walk.
3. I can’t eat … apple. It’s very sour, I like … sweet apples.
4. … sun was not up yet, but … stars had disappeared.
5. Will you be at … home tomorrow?

III. Circle the suitable preposition:
1. Mary is fond [of, for, to] animals.
2. He came [at, in, to] London [in, on, at] 13 June.
3. Who are you waiting [of, to, for] ?
4. Listen [to, for, about] my advice.
5. They waited [on, at, for] the station for a long time.

IV. Put the word into correct form-meaning:
1. It’s often ___ to learn the rules. [to help]
2. The trip was not ___ at all. [to excite]
3. Try to use your ____. [to imagine]
4. It’s a very ___ street. [to noise]
5. Vic sometimes Jokes at my____. [to appear]

V. Translate the words given in brackets:
1. Jane is [самая высокая] girl in our class.
2. I am sorry I didn’t study [усерднее].
3. He was so [взволнован] that he could hardly speak.
4. The house is not [легко] to keep clean.
5. He didn’t earn [много] money to rent a big flat.

VI. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence:
1. job/much/i/like/very/don’t/my.
2. would/i/some/like/tea/more.
3. what/like/most/subject/of/you/all/did?
4. is/late/classes/for/she/often/her.
5. he/always/much/smoke/does/so?


Ответ дал: Старейший1
1. Were playing.
2. Has already done; he is watching TV.
3. Will get up.
4. Went out; went.
5. Goes.

1. The; the.
2. --; a.
3. The; --.
4. The; the.
5. --.

1. Of.
2. To; on.
3. For.
4. To.
5. At.

2. Exiticng. 
3. Imagination.
5. Aappearing.

1. The tallest.
2. Harder.
3. Worried.
4. easy. 
5. much.

1. I don't very like much work.
2. I would like more tea.
3. What did you like most subject of all?
4. She is often late.
5. Does he always smoke so much? 

kupcova91: спасибо большое
GreyBoar: l
4. You did you go out last night, Tom ? – Yes, I went to the cinema.

2 exciting
5. Vic sometimes jokes at my appearance

V. Translate the words given in brackets:
3. He was so excited that he could hardly speak.

VI. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence:
1. I don’t like my job very much
2. I would like some more tea
3. What subject did you like most of all?
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