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2. Christopher Columbus ……………… .

a) was born in Spain b) worked for Spain c) died in Spain

3. Columbus’s idea was to sail ………………… .

a) east b) west c) south

4. Columbus …………………. our planet is round.

a) had no idea that b) had a very good idea that c) wanted to know if

5. San Salvador is …………………. .

a) an island b) a country c) a river

6. The West Indies are part of ……………… .

a) India b) Indonesia c) America

7. Columbus was ………………. European to travel to America.

a) the first b) the second c) not the first


Ответ дал: nunny
2. a) was born in Spain
3. b) west
4. c) wanted to know if
5. b) a country
6. c) America
7. a) the first

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