Закончите предложения,с настоящим простым и настоящим прогрессивным. 1) ... the kids ... (watch)a cartoon at the moment?Yes,they are.2)Sue ...(not like)basketball but she loves football.3)Tom: ... your father ... (sell)shoes in his shop?Mary:No,he ... .Only clothes.4)Judy and Carol ...(not go)hiking on Sundays.They go climbing.5)Mr Jones ...(not interview)anyone now.You can go in.6) ... you ... (go)to the beach every summer? Yes,we do.


Ответ дал: Malika1abc
Are the kids watching a cartoon at the moment? - Yes, they are
Sue doesn't like basketball but she loves football.
Judy and Carol don't go hiking on Sundays. - They go climbing
Mr Jones isn't interviewing anyone now. - You can go in.
Do you go to the beach every summer? - Yes, we do
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