Плиииз помогите !!!)))
Вставьте глаголы в форме Past Simple.
Hawe, come, say, get up, see, give, take, go.
ПРИМЕР: We CAME home late yesterday.
1. They............. to the park. They.............a cat there.
2. He .......us ten tiys. I ........two dolls and a crocodile.
3. He.............hellow to me.
4. I .............at 8 o'clock yesterday.
5. They ..... six lessonds yesterday.
6. They ........three crocodiles in the zoo.
7. He......:'l..... him a present'.
8. She .......... into the room and ....... her pet there.
9. They ..........coffee for brekfst.
10. She ..........that she......... five lessons every day.


Ответ дал: TerebonkaCzar

1. They COME to the park. They SEE a cat there.
2. He GIVE us ten toys. I TAKE two dolls and a crocodile.
3. He SAY hello to me.
4. I GET UP at 8 o'clock yesterday.
5. They HAVE six lessons yesterday.
6. They SEE three crocodiles in the zoo.
7. He SAY :'l GIVE him a present'.
8. She GO into the room and SEE her pet there.
9. They HAVE coffee for breakfast.
10. She SAY that she HAS five lessons every day.

Dimok89898: Спасибо, очень выручели)))
TerebonkaCzar: Да чего там.. Я в 7 классе English на 5 с
TerebonkaCzar: 5 с плюсом.. Это задание - вообще не проблема =)
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