Complete the sentences. Use some computer words.
1) A small computer that you can carry with you is a ... . 2) A small object that
you move to do things on a computer screen is a ... . 3) A piece of equipment
used for putting information into a computer is a ... . 4) Another name for a
computer screen is a ... . 5) A piece of information that you send by e-mail
is a ... . 6) Information in a form that a computer can use is ... . 7) To break into
a computer programme to get some information means to ... it. 8) To make
something new or original that people did not know before means to ... it. 9) To
be connected to a computer system means to be ... . 10) Another name for the
global network is the ... . 11) To make a computer keep information that you
have put into it means to ... information.


Ответ дал: Chardis
1) laptop
2) mouse
3) keyboard
4) monitor
5) message
6) data
7) crack it
8) create it
9) be online
10) The Internet
11) save

GreyBoar: 7 hack
GreyBoar: не настаиваю, разумеется
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